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Frequently asked questions

How can I enable my user to have an experience cross-devices ?

SmartWall works for anonymous users, and this is great to attract new users to your site, but in some cases this could limit the possibilities of SmartWall. For example, anonymous users can't keep access to an article cross-devices, or users can lose access if they wipe cookies.

However, there's a solution. If your users can log-in in your site you could pass the user's ID to SmartWall. Just add it to the SmartWall SDK constructor as userUid. It has to be unique per SmartWall.

new SmartWallSDK({
  userUid: "your-user-uid",

What if I have a HTTP cache system on my site?

As expected Front-end integrations will work perfectly if the web page is cached. What you may not expect is that Back-end integrations can also work fine with your HTTP cache.

You article page needs to run the backend code at least once before its rendered form is stored in the HTTP cache, so if you did the integration right, the article content will be send to SmartWall's API when that one rendering occur. Your HTTP cache will store the truncated article and SmartWall's cache will store the full article.

If SmartWall is not returning the full article when the wall is unlocked, try purging your HTTP cache. This way your back-end code will run again and refresh the SmartWall's cache.

You can also allow SmartWall to purge your HTTP cache for you automatically when it needs to refresh its cache. SmartWall will try to send a PURGE request to your page. For that you will need to whitelist SmartWall's IP addresses:

What can I do for javascript-disabled browsers or script blockers ?

If you setup the front-end integration of the SmartWall the article content will be locked by JavaScript. If the user blocks scripts or disables JavaScript, the full article content will be visible.

In these cases you can use a tag to control what is shown when scripts are disabled. W3C norms propose to use the tag <noscript>


You could use CSS styles to hide the article when scripts are blocked like this for example:

      .your-article-selector {
        max-height: 300px;
        overflow: hidden;
        filter: blur(3px);
        -webkit-filter: blur(3px);

This code uses the <noscript> tag so it will only take effect when the scripts are disabled. Using a selector of your article you can customize how the article will look in this case. You can cut it, blur it or whatever is possible with CSS styles.

However, the content of the article will still be accessible in the page's source code, for a definitive secure solution try the back-end integration of the SmartWall.

In addition, you may want to add a message explaining the user why he can't access the article. We propose to use one wall we designed for this purpose. Just wrap it up inside a <noscript> tag and add it after your article. See the source code and customize it HERE

Some of my content is not properly loading after unlock, what can I do ?

SmartWall works well with text, html and images, but some content that requires a script to work, like videos, ads, twitter feeds and other social network embedded elements, may need its script to be reset after the unlocking of the content.

The SmartWall SDK tries to reset the most popular scripts after unlocking, like those from popular social networks. However we may not include all that there are out there. If you have this issue, we'd appreciate that you contact us and let us know. We'll study your case and consider adding the fix for your type of content. Contact us at

On the other hand, if you prefer to solve this issue yourself, you can do it resetting the script responsible for the problematic element using the onUnlock hook.